sports cupping

cupping is a must for athletes!

We have over the past 10 years helped numerous local elite sportsmen/women of all levels to achieve higher levels of sporting & athletic performance.

Our specialised Sports Cupping Treatments are bespoke to fulfil the needs of the following:

  • MMA Fighters
  • Boxers
  • Bodybuilders
  • Athletes
  • Gym goers


Cupping/Hijama works in multiple ways to support sports performance & recovery from sports and training.  Some of the ways in which it does this is by:

  • Accelerating recovery from muscle fatigue and breakdown.
  • Repairing muscle and joint injuries.
  • Increasing blood oxygenation levels.
  • Decreasing build-up of lactic acid in muscles.
  • Boosting blood circulation & vasodilation


If you are serious about your training and athletic performance then contact us to how we can help you also to achieve the next level in your physical/sports performance!

request call back

Simply fill out the form below and a member of our trusted team will be in touch with you.